Size: Small
Season: Late Summer to Autumn
Sunbird Aloes 'Cupid'
This tiny aloe cultivar has an astounding track record as far as flowering is concerned. Not only is it capable of flowering at any time of the year, but also it produces branched inflorescences with up to 7 racemes – unheard of in aloe of this size. Its successive inflorescences last a very long time, allowing for a group of 4 or 5 plants of Aloe ‘Cupid’ to show colour throughout the year.
The plant itself has a fairly open rosette of pointed, grey-green leaves with small spines. It is classified as a miniature because the plant often produces its first flower when only about 8 cm in diameter.
Because of its size Aloe ‘Cupid’ is an ideal pot plant, the leaves are fairly succulent. This means that it can even be planted on the open rockery providing it is given a little water when the rains stay away. Good quality compost applied in the planting soil will maintain its flowering for a few years.