"A cultivar bred exclusively for use in gardens and artificial landscapes, and considerable emphasis is placed on enhancing their already excellent properties as garden subjects. The result is invariably a group of unspeakably beautiful, superior strains from which plants can be chosen for growing in a garden.
Longevity and sustainability are two reasons why planting aloes, and other succulents for that matter, is an eco-friendly choice when establishing a garden or garden bed. Aloes are some of the easiest and most rewarding plants to grow: they have minimal establishment and aftercare requirements and reward the gardener with year-round greenery, architectural foliage, and striking beautiful inflorescences that carry brightly coloured flowers.
Aloe cultivars are increasingly finding favor with gardeners and landscapers, and with their improved blooms make for a chich new trend".
More information can be found on this topic: Garden Aloes - Growing and Breeding Cultivars and Hybrids, by Gideon F Smith & Estrela Figueiredo.
Sunbird Aloes 'Hadar'.