Sunbird superior hybrid aloes offer home gardeners and landscapers new and unique high-performance, sustainable, and water-wise gardening options.
These plants have spectacular flowers in a range of colours, dramatic foliage, and architectural shapes that will complement any garden or landscaping design.
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Aloes are adaptable to different garden and climate in South Africa conditions due to the 40-year of South African breeding program.
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Wide Variety
We offer over 85 cultivars in the Ndundulu Aloes collection to suit your space, from your balcony to the extra-large aloes in your garden.
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Rooftop Gardens
Aloes can be used to Green roof your property, with their ability to grow in shallow medium, low water use qualities, and easy maintenance.
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Provides a barrier
Aloes planted in your garden act as a barrier, due to their fire-resistant qualities. Aloes are tolerant of sea spray and wind.
Plenty of nectar
Aloes provide more nectar and pollen due to the extending flowering seasons.
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Ndundulu Aloes
Aloes are food for different birds, butterflies, and insects - contributing to the adaptability of our environment.
Shop for your Aloes